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Air Source Heat Pump Upskills in Whiteley

More sustainable than traditional oil or gas heating, Air Source Heat Pumps are doing a great deal to reduce carbon emissions in the UK. In order to make a real impact with UK emission, yearly installations will need to rise to 600,000 by 2028.

For this reason, as part of our drive toward a greener future, we are making our ASHP design and installation training one of our top priorities.

We offer hands-on experience with multiple brands of heat pumps (Samsung, Midea, Curve) and teach both the installation, commissioning and servicing of air source heat pumps (OFT21-504A), the design of heat pump systems (OFT21-504D), and a combined course covering both qualifications.

For installers looking to branch into a more sustainable sector, or simply diversify their skillset, this video explains how to make the switch to heat pump installation; highlighting some essential information about the process and misconceptions around heat pump systems.


SERT's specialist Divisions

Public Sector

Resourcing solutions within Defence, Professional Services and Education.


Utilities and Green Energy

Mobilising workforces that install, maintain, and manage the UK's current and future infrastructure.

The Retrofit Academy - Hampshire

The Retrofit Academy (TRA) and workforce solutions and training specialist, SERT Training have established an exclusive partnership to launch The Retrofit Academy Hampshire. Find out more about training and career opportunities within the retrofit industries here!